Dr. Jen O’Ryan
Inclusion and Diversity Strategist
We know inclusion and diversity (I&D) is a good thing. We know it leads to innovation and better outcomes. We don’t always know where, or how, to begin. This session provides actionable advice on safely and effectively designing I&D initiatives, things to avoid, and strategies to bring others along on the journey.
Dr. Jen O’Ryan, author and I&D strategist, will walk you through the top things you can start (and stop) doing right now. This session will cover actions you can take with little to no budget, and how to influence change across organizational levels. We’ll also talk through common themes around why initiatives with the best intentions can sputter out or fail.
Whether you are one person working with zero budget or have funding and an enthusiastic team supporting the effort, there is something in here for you.
This presentation will provide you with:
1) Actionable steps to cultivate inclusion, even with little to no budget or resources
2) The ‘why’ behind the ‘how’ of designing inclusion
3) Steps and areas to improve inclusiveness in materials, policy, and training content
4) Identify (and mitigate) elements that can tank even the best Inclusion and Diversity initiatives
About Jen:
Dr. Jen O’Ryan is an Inclusion and Diversity strategist, specializing in the LGBTQ+ community. Leveraging two decades of experience in change management and a PhD in Human Behavior, she understands the challenges leaders can face in developing a culture of inclusiveness for LGBTQ+ employees, clients, and consumers.
She is also the author of Inclusive AF: A Field Guide for “Accidental” Diversity Experts. Designed for anyone thinking about inclusion and diversity, IAF explains how to cultivate a workplace more welcoming for LGBTQ+ individuals – and for everyone else.
Approved for 1 SHRM Ethical Practices Credit and 1 HRCI Business Credit.

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